Second Announcement

This year the congress theme of the SSIEM annual Symposium is Building Bridges. During SSIEM 2019, we hope to connect new-generation scientists with those who are well established. We hope to build bridges between laboratory and clinic, and to connect up the knowledge which has been generated on a range of diseases.

In the scientific programme there are many opportunities to present new relevant results on research in Inborn Errors of Metabolism. More than 70 abstracts have been selected for an oral presentation. In addition, over 600 posters will be presented as well as more than 200 e-posters. It is still possible to submit an abstract for the Late Breaking News session which will take place on Friday September 6th. For the Late Breaking News session 4 abstracts will be selected for an oral. The deadline for submitting a Late Breaking News abstract is July 22nd. We invite you to submit an abstract!